Saving seconds with an ssh config file
Sep 13, 2016
2 minutes read

The problem

There is nothing more time consuming than typing:

→ ssh <user>@<ip-address/hostname>
<user>@<ip-address/hostname>'s password:

- or -

→ ssh -i /some/path/to/my/ssh/key <user>@<ip-address/hostname>

Seriously, do this multiple times a day, with the added annoyance of entering long server hostname’s like along with passwords incorrectly entered (and done so in multiple time’s). That, as well as logging into the wrong server can cause lost time and on them rare occasions, headaches caused by working on the wrong server. It happens. It’s not something just done by junior sys admins. When you are under stress or just simply not concentrating on what you are doing, you will make mistakes.

A solution

The solution for this, creating an SSH configuration file. This allows a one place storage for your connections.

A simple configuration that will ask for a password will look like this:

Host staging
	User     btables

Now it will be as simple as

→ ssh staging's password:

The even simpler way to do so is to actually use an SSH key. The best information on setting up an SSH key is over at There are major benefits to this, the two main ones are that it is more secure than just using a password and if an employee is dismissed/leaves or a laptop/desktop/mobile device is stolen, then you can simply remove the SSH key from the authorized_keys file with ease. Generate a bash or provisioning script and you can update multiple servers within seconds.

For this, your configuration file will look like:

Host staging
	User         btables
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/company_key

Now, run the same command and you will just get the server console, no password:

→ ssh staging

As with anything in devops, it’s the little things that allow you to be more efficient and enjoy work that little bit more…


On Wednesday, 14th September 2016

For the added security, you can use the following configuration:

Host *
	ForwardAgent   no
	IdentitiesOnly yes

This forces the ssh session to only use the given IdentityFile. From the docs:

Specifies that ssh(1) should only use the authentication identity files configured in the ssh_config files, even if ssh-agent(1) offers more identities. The argument to this keyword must be ‘‘yes’’ or ‘’no’’. This option is intended for situations where ssh-agent offers many different identities. The default is ‘’no’’.

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